About Us

Mission and Beliefs

We are an Independent, Fundamental, Missionary, Bible Believing, Baptist Church in beautiful Belvedere, South Carolina. We base our teachings and beliefs on the King James Version. We have a traditional worship service with the traditional hymns and music being sung, and played in our services. Our Mission and purpose is the same as our Lord gave his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20. We teach our people how to win the lost; we encourage our people to be a "witness" for Jesus Christ; we preach and teach our people to pray and give to our Mission Program ("..go ye therefore and teach all nations.."). Our purpose is to worship God, our Savior who died on the cross for our sins and who rose again on the third day. Our purpose is to win hearts and Souls to God, so that one day we may see our friends and family in heaven one day. We believe in supporting our local community by opening as a shelter in times of catastrophes and disasters (which we hope to rarely have to do).