About the Friends

Friends of the WTML Library supports the Welles-Turner Memorial Library 

The Friends of the Welles-Turner Memorial Library promotes a cultured and literary community by providing supplemental funding for the facilities and services of the Glastonbury public library.

Supporting Activities 

Here are some things that the Friends do to support the library:

Funding for current library renovations

Purchasing media to augment the library collection

Ella Waters Memorial Music Series 

Fundraising through Book Sales throughout the year

Members of the Friends Board 

President: Patty Matthews

Vice-President: Anne Magnevita

Secretary: Carolyn Coogan

Treasurer: Mindyleigh Vail

Library Director (Ex-Officio): Amy McCue

Directors: Don Kray,  Linda Obedzinski, Carl Stenman

Membership: Brenda Halpin

Book Sale: Monica Gardner, Rosemarie Houston, Janet Miller

Nominating: Myra Lee

Scholarship: Karen Lonergan

Museum Passes: Judy O’Brien

Publicity/Website: Shannon Insero, Meredith Kamis

Members-at-Large: Sue Pitler, Myra Lee

Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio): Melinda Smith


Whether you want to stay up-to-date on our news, volunteer at our book sales, or provide monetary support please consider becoming a Friend!

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