What Every Freshman Should Know...

Take Classes you enjoy! Nothing is worse than getting stuck in a class you hate that is also not required. Take classes that benefit you or that truly interest you.

Use online resources! This is a given...just be careful where you get your resources...some websites are not trustworthy or scholarly!

There is no pool on the roof! Don't fall for it!

Peer Pressure is inevitable, but knowing you can say "no" or leave a situation is powerful. Never let someone talk you into something you do not want to do. Be true to yourself!

You have to study! Sorry...not sorry! You're not in middle school anymore. Study everynight to stay abreast of what's happening in class.

Get organized! Use your locker. Get a planner. Get a binder...maybe two. CLEAN OUT YOUR BACKPACK! Studying is a whole lot easier when you can find your stuff.

Stop stressing over every grade! A bad grade here or there WILL NOT break you. Teachers are willing to help when you ask, so ask early and often.

People change, and that is ok. Your friend group might shift and change in high school. Let it be! Allow yourself to meet new people, and let go of the friendships that are not healthy anymore.

Freshman year does matter! If someone told you that grades do not matter freshman year, they lied. If you slack off your first year, you will regret it later.

Ask questions! The only dumb question is the question that is not asked. You might help someone else out by asking your questions! Questions also help facilitate class discussion.

Procrastination is not healthy! Maybe you "work better" that way, but, trust us when we tell you that you will FEEL better if you do not wait to do your work. You will not truly learn things you cram into your brain the night before.

Form relationships with your teachers. Getting to know your teachers is incredibly rewarding. We have the best at Lakeside, so definitely take advantage of their knowledge and willingness to help. Forming a bond with your teachers makes asking for help so much easier.

Ask for help. There is NO shame in the tutor game.

Get involved! Get involved NOW!!! You'll be sad when you realize you missed out on a year of fun!

Go to Stuff. Seriously. Go to stuff. There is always something going on...sports, fine arts...literally everything.

Plan your future. It is never too early to think about college and career. Open your mind to all the possibilities in front of you!

Figure out the best way for you to study. Yes...how YOU STUDY. How you study might look different from your friends, and that is okay. Figure out what works best for you.

Hail Lakeside! School spirit is a real thing, and we are PROUD to be Panthers. You should be too! #PantherPride #HailLakeside