How to Clean Outside and Inside of Hard-to-Reach Windows

How to Clean Outside and Inside of Hard-to-Reach Windows

Windows are a crucial component of any home, offering natural light, ventilation, and a view of the outside world. Keeping your windows clean not only enhances the overall appearance of your home but also ensures that you can enjoy the benefits they offer to the fullest. While cleaning windows may seem like a straightforward task, it can become challenging when dealing with hard-to-reach areas. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of cleaning both the outside and inside of hard-to-reach windows, allowing you to maintain a sparkling view and a pristine home.

Part 1: Cleaning the Outside of Hard-to-Reach Windows

Cleaning the exterior of hard-to-reach windows requires careful planning and the right tools.  Here's an easy guide to get you began:

Part 2: Cleaning the Inside of Hard-to-Reach Windows

Cleaning the interior of hard-to-reach windows may seem even more challenging, but with the right approach and tools, it can be accomplished effectively. Follow these steps:

Additional Tips for Window Cleaning:


Cleaning difficult-to-reach windows needs careful planning, the proper tools, and a methodical approach. Prioritizing safety is critical whether you are working on the outside or inside of your windows. Before using a cleaning solution, assess the issue, gather the necessary instruments, and remove debris. Remove the solution using a squeegee and wipe the windows dry with a microfiber cloth. When cleaning the inside, prepare the space, reach high windows carefully, and remove screens, dust, and hoover before cleaning the glass. Dry and check the windows for a flawless finish. You can keep your windows sparkling clean and improve the appeal of your home by following these instructions.