Fibroid Embolization: Effects on Menstrual Cycles

Fibroid Embolization, also known as Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE), is a minimally invasive procedure that has become increasingly popular as an alternative treatment for uterine fibroids. These non-cancerous growths in the uterus can cause various symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and discomfort. While Fibroid Embolization has proven effective in shrinking fibroids and alleviating symptoms, many women are curious about how this procedure may impact their menstrual cycles. In this blog, we will explore the effects of Fibroid Embolization on menstrual periods to provide women with a better understanding of what to expect.

Understanding Fibroid Embolization

Fibroid Embolization is performed by interventional radiologists. During the procedure, a small catheter is inserted into the uterine arteries, and tiny particles are injected to block blood flow to the fibroids. With reduced blood supply, the fibroids gradually shrink and the symptoms associated with them are alleviated. Unlike traditional surgery, this minimally invasive technique offers quicker recovery, shorter hospital stays, and a lower risk of complications.

Menstrual Changes After Fibroid Embolization

One of the most significant concerns for women considering Fibroid Embolization is its potential impact on their menstrual cycles. After the procedure, it is normal to experience some changes in menstrual patterns. Let's explore the possible effects:

Factors Affecting Menstrual Changes

It's important to note that the effects of Fibroid Embolization on menstrual cycles can vary from woman to woman. Several factors may influence the extent of these changes, including:

Long-Term Benefits of Fibroid Embolization

Beyond the impact on menstrual cycles, Fibroid Embolization offers several long-term benefits for women dealing with uterine fibroids:


Fibroid Embolization is a safe and effective procedure for managing uterine fibroids and improving the overall quality of life. While it may cause temporary changes to menstrual cycles, the benefits are often well worth it for women struggling with fibroid-related symptoms. By understanding what to expect and engaging in open communication with their healthcare providers, women can make informed decisions about their treatment options and embrace the positive impact that Fibroid Embolization can have on their lives. As with any medical procedure, individual experiences may vary, and some women may experience different outcomes. However, by empowering themselves with knowledge and understanding, women can make informed decisions about their health and take charge of their well-being throughout their Fibroid Embolization journey. Always consult with a Fibroid Embolization Specialist to address any specific concerns or questions regarding Fibroid Embolization and its effects on menstrual cycles.