Here are a few frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Free Online Courses Zone website:

1. What are the free online courses offered on your website?

   - We offer a wide range of free online courses across various subjects/topics in education, including but limited to education and personal development.

2. Are these courses completely free?

   - Yes, all the courses available on our website are completely free of charge. There are no hidden fees for accessing them. We only charge a certain cost for processing the certificates of achievement for those who demand for them. 

3. How do I enroll in a course?

   - Enrolling in a course is simple. Just browse our course catalog, select the course you're interested in, and click on the course title or pictures. You'll then start learning immediately.

4. Are there any prerequisites or requirements to enroll in a course?

   - The prerequisites and requirements for each course may vary. Some courses may have certain prerequisites or recommend prior knowledge in a specific area. However, many of our courses are designed to be accessible to all educators teaching in the early years and Key stages 1-4.

5. How long do the courses take to complete?

   - The duration of each course may vary depending on its content and complexity. Some courses can be completed in a few hours, while others may span several days. There is no fixed time for completing our courses because they are all self-paced.

6. Can I earn a certificate or accreditation for completing a course?

   - While our courses do not generally offer formal certificates or accreditations, they provide valuable knowledge and skills that can enhance your personal and professional development as an educator in any continent provided you understand the English language.

7. Are there any assessments or exams in the courses?

   - All the courses have assessments and quizzes, but no assignments to reinforce learning and assess your progress. However, the exact format and requirements vary depending on the course.

8. Are the certificates recognized globally?

   - Our courses are created by a certified course creator and they fall under the category of CPD courses. Hence, the certificates are only evidence of learning. Therefore, can be added to Resumes and CVs as such. Any organisation in any part of the globe reserves the right to accept or reject our certificates.  Finally, our certificates have QR codes for any organisation to verify their sources and authenticity globally. 

10. What are your quick contacts for troubleshooting issues?

-We can be reached on WhatsApp chat via the link following CLICK HERE FOR A WHATSAPP CHAT.