I move object as normal with the freehand tool. However, it often (20-60% of the time) immediately jumps back to original place. I try again. This time, the movement is applied twice so it moves much further than intended. In other words, it appears that the movement did happen, but was not registered until I poked the object again. Also, the undo-redo arrows are gone for some reason.

Sorry for the large filesize (wetransfer) - I purged the file, removing a bunch of hidden layers and the large textures to get the filesize down to 40mb. Then I did a check, and the issue was gone. Not sure if this helps explaining where the issue is. Screenshot shows example of object I moved that most of the time does not move at once. (Perhaps this is related to the issue of objects taking very long time to move at my end, in previous versions of VR sketch)

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When using the SketchViewModel and drawing a freehand polygon in Esri 4.x, i see it renders all these little circles (vertices?) of the active drawing segment being drawn. It looks very busy and quite jarring.

Is there any way to customize . Those little circles for each vertex are quite annoying and are completely different from what we were able to render with our 3.x application. we are trying to migrate to 4.x and maintain the same UI feedback as a requirement.

The SketchViewModel has an undocumented property called "vertexSymbol" which, by default, it is set to a circular SimpleMarkerSymbol with a white background and a dark grey border. I would recommend setting the opacity of the symbol in order to show and hide it as desired:

one thing is the cursor still has a dangling orange circle that follows wherever the cursor goes. do you know if that is another undocumented property on sketchviewmodel that could be manipulated similarly?

I have a fix for that, but it involves modifying a file on a locally hosted copy of the SDK. That is, I download and host a copy of the SDK on our own servers rather than using ESRI's server at runtime. Here are my notes, which are specific to 4.27 (although may work in previous version as well):

Even if I use a tablet, the freehand selection tool is too jagged. Is there a way to smooth it to the nearest (optimal) line when drawing a selection? (like straightening the line on the jagged points with the nearest straight neighbor?) Maybe the stabilizer function for the regular brush can be adapted to the freehand selection tool? (The same parameters on the tool options of freehand selection tool)

I review lots of drawings and not all text is stored as recognizable text. And the text flow is all over the place sometimes. And I want to highlight lines and regions. A simple free hand, freehand-closed-fill and and an assisted-freehand style highlighting (makes relatively orthogonal strokes aligned) would be helpful. No offence to those who only want to highlight normal flowing text day-in and day-out--my stuff is a lot more exciting.

I detest the freehand highlighter. When actively highlighting, the mark looks much larger than what actually ends up on the page. I use --or, rather, WANT to use-- highlighting for texts downloaded by my professors in my PhD program. Having to repeatedly run the OCR text recognition utility is a pain when trying to read quickly and highlight efficiently. Desperately in need of improvement.

Strange mine worked, Acrobat Pro DC, on unrecognized text until a week or so ago. Now it blocks out everything behind it so I have to go in and lower the transparency. Maddening in a busy day and so utterly unnecessary. I'm assuming this is the result of an update. I'm convinced that in a lot of cases the people that write and update the programs don't really use them like the people that work on them, so they have no idea what customers want. I wish they would fix it back to the way it was. They should also be made to memorize the software golden rule, IF IT ISN'T BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!!

On a daily basis I highlight patents that have drawings and text: OCR is nice as it can be searched and the text can be neatly marked, but once OCRed, on both type of pages the DC does not allow for free hand highlighting. It is very annoying. It should be obvious to anyone, that not only horizontal markings are useful.

I have that problem with patents (like hundreds of professionals out there I am sure), but I am equally sure that many other professions (such as lawyers, all kind of engineers, architects, admin staff) will have the same problem.

Yeah, whoever decided the current one was a good idea is a proper dropkick. Only does freehand when it feels in the mood. Sometimes it only does text. Most of the time it does neither, even when there IS recognized text.

This is truly maddening. In a non-scanned document (e.g., a pdf made from a Word or other doc), I want to be able to highlight words, "cursor style," and I also want to be able to highlight other components "blob" style. Every so often in a document of this exact same type that I'm currently working with Acrobat let's me do it. But never with any kind of predictability. And now I come to see that people below have been begging for this feature for years. Isn't there a way to toggle between the two highlight styles? There has to be. Please. Somebody. Anybody. Help!!

On scanned documents with hand-written text the Highlight text tool automatically changes from blob to the I cursor and the selected text is separated to letter by letter. I know I can use the Drawing tool and change the opacity to 40% but then it's so frustrating to change from this kind of highlighting and drawing with 100% opacity. There should be a separate icon/tool for ALWAYS-FREEHAND-HIGHLIGHTING or it should be possible to change to enforce the blob cursor when holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key. Please.

I scan vintage railroad timetable maps. These maps show railroad routes through and across states, with stops (town names) listed along each route. The town names are generally perpendicular to the curving routes, and are therefore listed at all possible angles on the scanned page. On the pdf, I'm trying to freehand highlight towns for which I have corresponding photographs.

1. Finding out how to set the properties of the highlight tool took me forever (highlight first, then right click "Properties", and then set. 

2. After some successful highlighting, something mysterious changed -- the highlight tool would ONLY execute perfectly horizontal highlights (useless for me in this case) -- and displayed absolutely zero information on how to reset the tool for freehand highlighting)

3. PLEASE make this tool quickly accessible and easily and proactively customizable.

Hi Steve. Thank you for reaching out to us.

Highlight is supported over images and scanned PDF's as well. 

Please let us know if you are still facing any issue in highlighting over images or scanned PDF's.

Prior to my latest update I too was able to use the freehand highlighter. For non text recognizable files the highlight tool would automatically switch to the freehand highlight vs the regular one for text recognized files. I can not find a setting nor a separate tool after the update which allows freehand highlight of non text recognizable scanned images

All of your personal information, including email address, name, and IP address will be deleted from this site. Any feedback you have provided that others have supported will be attributed to "Anonymous". All of your ideas without support will be deleted.

Without getting into the use of third party software, can anyone confirm a chain of versions and appropriate/compatible Mac OS's that can get me from Freehand 8 files to the current CC Illustrator?

I have a few (very) old Mac's, and I think the old versions of Freehand/Illustrator are available (on eBay, etc). I'd be willing to buy what I need to convert from one version to the next until I'm current. 

So, I need to know, for example, the last software that opened Freehand 8 files, and what it ran on. And on from there...

Alternatively, perhaps there's someone out there doing these conversions as a paid sevice?

Any help or recommendations would be much appreciated.


"I originally used Tensai AI Plugins to convert my files. It's a hit and miss situation. Some of the .fh9 files were too old or complex to convert. My best solution was found in my old macs lying in my garage, luckily It hadn't been updated since 0S9."


Are there any updates on success (or failure) with Tensai?

Also, I'd still like to hear if anyone can confirm which versions I'd need to convert up to current, or if anyone is doing these types of conversions.

I think they are "simple" files, but I can't say for sure. For some of them I had imported some graphics and used fonts from music notation software. I vaguely remember those being a little fussy to work with, but maybe not.

If that number (70-75) is high:

Perhaps I could send a couple to see how they transfer?

I might consider trying Tensai, and perhaps taking you up on your offer if just a few files don't convert well?

Certainly some payment or donation sounds fair.

- In some of the Illustrator files there are so-called "Unnamed Patterns". You can create regular pattern swatches out of them by selecting them and clicking on the "New Swatch" button in the Swatches palette.

I need to backcheck some pdf drawings and to do so, i highlight my original markup if its been picked up. While doing this, ive noticed there are two forms of the highlight tool. Both come from the same tool button the "highlight tool". One form is a circular cursor that does freehand highlighting. The other is a vertical bar like a capitol letter "I" that only highlights text. I cant determine why, but the version of the tool that i get to use varies between pdf's. Is there a way to set the freehand tool as default?

You probably have worked this out by now, it took me a while to figure it out as well. If it is a scanned pdf then you need to do/run a text recognition/image recognition on the page (or you can also choose the entire document). Once you do that it recognizes the individual sentences and then the text cursor appears. I use the Comment tool, select with the text cursor then click on the highlighter symbol to highlight the selected text. 152ee80cbc

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