In previous versions of Printix Client, Sign in would happen via the Printix Client window showing a web page presented by the Windows Embedded web browser. The old embedded method could be prevented from working if the Security settings for the Microsoft web browser (Edge or Internet Explorer) were configured in a special way.

Having installed Printix Client, you can now print to the Printix managed printers and check out the many features that will make office printing convenient, secure and easy to manage. But first, let us check out how you can print as usual.

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If your cloud strategy already involves Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune, perhaps as part of Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS), then you can add Printix as the missing link and thereby eliminate the use of print servers and move print management 100% to the cloud.

When you download the Printix Client software and install it on the print server, we make a copy of the current print environment details in Printix Cloud. Rest assured, we do not change or delete anything on the print server.

If there are additional print servers, install Printix Client on each of these, to make the copy of your print infrastructure as complete as possible. Open the Computer properties page of the print server and select Discover printers.

The user experience for printing is the same. Only the printer name is enhanced with a three-letter printer ID to make it easy to search for and identify printers. From an IT management perspective, however, cloud deployment means less ongoing management since infrastructure is now managed from the cloud.

Any printer discovered in your network is presented to you in our web interface Printix Administrator. Your configuration data is stored securely in your Printix Home in the cloud, and so are print drivers that Printix Client uploads to your Printix driver store. Your Printix Client is built to only work with your Printix Home and users are required to sign in before use.

The secure and flexible methods of Printing with Printix are achieved by having Printix Client temporarily store print data encrypted on the computer and informing Printix Cloud about the document. Users can print directly (as usual) or they can print securely and release documents from Printix App on their phone, tablet and computer. On printers with Printix Go users can sign in with card or ID code and release their documents. Pending documents can also be stored in your own secure cloud storage (Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage).

In order to allow you to manage your printers via Printix Cloud and offer our services, Printix registers necessary information. This is typically the information you can see either directly or in a processed format in the Printix Administrator.

Secure communication

All Printix communication inside and outside the network is secured with encryption and the use of HTTPS (SSL/TLS). Documents are stored encrypted until they expire and get deleted. Documents do not need to leave your network.

Use of a web proxy and/or SSL inspection may for example prevent Sign in to Printix Client. You MUST add the domain and subdomains as exceptions so traffic is not blocked.

The syntax for adding exceptions varies depending on the software you use. Please refer to you security software documentation to determine the syntax for specifying a domain and subdomains. These are some common examples of wildcard syntax:

Printix Client use a Windows function WinHttpGetProxyForUrl (implements WPAD) to get the proxy settings from the PAC file. It also looks at the proxy settings configured for the user. If it finds a suitable set of proxy settings for the user, it remembers them in the registry under the LSA user (HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections).

To print a document, a computer with Printix Client must be online on the same network as the printer. This may not be possible if it is required that printers and computers are kept on separate networks. To resolve this you can run a computer, preferably a server, in the cloud, for example Azure. To make the Site A printers available to the computers on the Site A separate computer network check Via the cloud and select On selected networks only and select the Site A computer network.

Printix maintains a global driver store with Windows and macOS print drivers. When users start to use Printix Client, it will automatically upload print drivers and put them in your Printix driver store. If there is no dedicated print driver for a particular printer, then an appropriate Universal print driver may be used.

Consider a company with two sites (Amsterdam and Berlin) with separate networks. There is no routing between the two, that is, from Amsterdam you cannot reach (ping) a printer in Berlin and vice versa.

If you have a computer C with two network adapters, and it is on both the Amsterdam and Berlin network at the same time, then print data from computer A to printer BNM are automatically forwarded via this instead of via the cloud. Computer C should have permanent network access.

If you Add cloud storage, documents printed Via the cloud will go via your cloud storage, rather than the Printix Cloud. In addition you can enable storage of pending documents in your secure cloud storage.

Each computer with Printix Client is, once a user has signed in, registered in Printix Cloud with a unique ID, and it is also at this time the computer will appear in Printix Administrator. The ID is written in the Windows Registry:

If an image is produced after a user has signed in, and subsequently installed on another computer, then there will be an undesired condition where these computers will have the same WSId. This will result in the computers fighting for connection and they will try to update the same computer properties in Printix Cloud. To resolve the issue you need to make an image, where no computer (WSid) has been registered. Before you start to use the new image, you need to delete the computer in Printix Administrator. After a short time, the computers will register and appear in Printix Administrator.

An attacker is able to read tokens of other users and can change program parameters,such as dependent libraries, external binary dependencies or the uninstallationscript that gets executed when the application is removed from the system.Ultimately, tampering with the configuration of Printix in the registry can lead to an elevation of privileges.

The Printix software is running as a background service and a client application, which,on Windows systems, is reading its configuration values from registry keys atHKLM/SOFTWARE/ Client/CurrentVersion.Every user has their own subkey within this registry key.

Every regular user can read the Printix registry keys of other users that were logged into the same computer at least once.One of the entries within the key is an access token.Other global entries within the registry key include the paths ofcertain third-party libraries and binaries the application relies on.An attacker could overwrite the paths and let them point to their own,malicious libraries, which consequently might be loaded by the application.

A clean installation of the Printix client was done to analyse the default configuration as shipped by the developers.This revealed that a privilege escalation is possible by changing the registry keys ProgramDir and DataDir.

After installation they initially both point to a write-protected location within the Program Files directory.As the keys are write-accessible by regular users, it is possible to change them, for example to C:\temp.After doing this, and restarting the Printix service, new configuration files are created by the service in that directory.One of the new files is called PrintixServiceTask.xml, which is a Microsoft Task definition, describing the Printix service running on the machine.After changing the paths to C:\temp the file is also read from this location, and as the new directory is not write-protected, the file can also be modified by any regular user.

The command will be executed by the Printix Windows service, which runs as SYSTEM user. For testing purposes, the command section of the XML file was changed to only write the name of the user running the command itself into a text file located at C:\temp\output.txt.

This confirmes that the command listed in the XML file is executed as SYSTEM user.As a result, a regular user is able to run commands with higher then intended privileges.The only problem an attacker has, is that a regular user is not able to restart a service at will.However, if this attack is performed on a physical machine, it would be possible to achievethe service restart by restarting Windows or power cycling the whole machine.

Another problem appears in the registry keys responsible for uninstalling parts of the Printix application.One of the keys is present at HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/printix.This key is not write-protected, allowing any user to add new entries to it, and changing the behaviour of the uninstallation procedure of Printix.If an attacker, for example, switches the value of the existing entry SystemComponent from 1 to 0 andadds a new entry called DisplayName, a new item would appear in the Programs and Features section of the Windows Control Panel application.

If the attacker further modifies the registry and changes the existing entry UninstallString to the path of a binary under their control, the malicious binary would get executed if an administrator decides to uninstall the software.

An attacker has access to the system, modifies the mentioned registry keys and is able to inject their own malicious binaries, that are written in a way that the anti-malware solution in use is not able to detect them. 152ee80cbc

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