25th Feb - Cartmel

The A walk, led by Jayne, is a circular from Cartmel. Starting on the Cistercian Way SW, it soon leaves it to head NW almost to Burns Farm, then SW to How Barrow. Turning N along Ellerside, it picks up the Cumbria Coastal Way to Bigland Tarn, leaving it to head NE to High Gate. Then it's SSE along a minor road, leaving it at a junction to continue SSE across Great Allotmement to Over Ridge. There are 2 alternative routes back to Cartmel which will be decided on the day. The direct route S via Wall Nook is 10 miles with 1150 ft of ascent. The E loop via Broughton Hall is an extra 1.5 miles and 100 ft of ascent.

Cartmel A map   A route GPX download


The B walk, led by Kenny, is a circular from Cartmel. It heads up Hampsfell to the Hospice then down through Eggerslack Wood to Grange over Sands. Then along the promenade to Kents Bank, up through Middle Fell Gate towards Grange Fell golf course and back to Cartmel. There are a few stiles to negotiate.

9.5 miles with 1300 ft of ascent   Cartmel B map B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Brian, starts at Grange-over-Sands station and follows the Cumbria Coastal Way SW to Kents Bank, continuing along a coastal path to pick it up again at Kirkhead End to head N. Leaving it at Allithwaite, the route heads NW to meet the Cistercian Way which leas to Cartmel.

6 miles with 500 ft of ascent   Cartmel C map   C route GPX download