Comfort and safety

On the coach. Smoking, alcohol consumption and dogs (other than assistance dogs) are not permitted: remain seated and wear your seat belt whilst travelling: change footwear or clean your boots at the end of the walk. Some members are allocated reserved seats, either so that couples can sit together or for those who prefer to sit near the front.

Keeping Safe. Sporting and leisure activities can be hazardous and fell-walking is no exception. Accidents will occasionally happen. Walkers have a responsibility to identify and take reasonable precautions to eliminate or minimise risks to themselves and others. If possible, carry a mobile phone. Bring appropriate clothing, footwear and adequate food and drink. We suggest a rucksack, packed lunch, drinks to stay hydrated, waterproofs (even if the forecast is good) and a hat and gloves as conditions may be harsher at higher levels and can change quickly. Waterproof boots with a stepped heel are best and walking poles can be a big help especially on steep slopes and when descending. Trainers and flat soled boots don't always cope with slippery and wet conditions. You can see our Health & Safety Policy here.

If something Happens. We ask members to provide mobile details and emergency contact information for use in the event of accidents or other emergency or situations. Details are held by walk leaders and committee members. Should you become lost or delayed, please check your mobile is switched on so that you can be contacted. For what to do in the event of an accident see the Emergencies page.

Which Walk? At the start of each walk you need to be and feel fit enough to complete it. Please take time to study walk details before deciding which walk to join. Coping with steep slopes or long walks can be strenuous and tiring, especially in warm weather or if you have health issues. Unless you are an experienced, regular hill walker and you have not been with us before, we suggest starting at C level and then work up to B or A level rather than overstretch yourself and delay the group. 

On the Walk. Walk leaders have sole charge of their groups. The published route may be varied for safety or timing reasons if thought necessary. If you are a strong walker and get ahead of the leader, wait to regroup at junctions rather than assume you know the intended route. Do not leave the group without informing the leader. Under 18’s must be accompanied by a guardian at all times.

Should you lose contact with your walking group, go back to the last place where you were with them and wait there. If you have a phone, make sure it is switched on, and if possible try to contact someone you know in the group. Note that there may not be a mobile signal on your phone but might be on one with a different provider if you are with others. 

We also suggest you add the following numbers to your phone contact list - Freebooters Secretary 07402 762613 - Freebooters Treasurer 07900 793408 (they may not be on your walk, but hold the phone and emergency contact numbers for all members).  

Can I do something else? Members may walk independently of the published walks, but you must return to the coach by the announced departure time. Note the comments above if an accident occurs and you need to contact the emergency services.  In particular, ensure you have a contact phone number for someone else present on the day and leave your itinerary, preferably in writing, with a committee member or walk leader. Keep your mobile on in case we need to contact you and, if delayed, try to telephone or text so that emergency services are not called out unnecessarily.

Privacy & Data Security. We need to hold some of your personal information and are required to satisfy legal requirements. This page explains what data we need to hold, how we keep it, and how we use and protect your privacy.

Legalities. Whilst our Walk Leaders are experienced members of the Club, please note that we do not employ qualified guides, leaders or first aiders on or for any of our events. Rather, the Club operates as a group of friends who go walking together and everyone taking part in our group activities does so at their own risk. We invite others to join us on this basis. As such, neither the Club or Walk Leaders assume responsibility for anyone attending any group event and will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring, however caused.

When you join a walk or other event, you indicate that you accept these conditions and that no legal liability is accepted by the Club, Walk Leader, Group or Event Organiser in the event of accident or injury, however caused.