24th Mar - Hawkshead

The A walk, led by Christine Tulloch, is from Ambleside to Hawkshead via Loughrigg Tarn, Elterwater, Slater Bridge, Stang End, Hodge Close, Holme Fell and Tarn Hows. 

12.5 miles with 2400 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download

The B walk, led by Brian, starts at Bowness main ferry and walks along the shore to catch the ferry over Windermere. It's the then on to Far Sawrey, N to Wray, then SW to Hawkshead.

9 miles with 1200 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download

The C walk, led by Dr Chris, is a circular from Hawkshead to Tarn Hows.

7 miles with 950 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download