28th Jan - Arnside

All walks end at Arnside. High tide is 13.52

The A walk, led by Christine, is linear starting on the A6 by Pine Lake, over Warton Crag to Crag Foot. Then E along the coast to Jack Scout and N over King William's Hill to Arnside Knott and on to Arnside.

11 miles with 1500 ft of ascent   Map   GPX download

The B walk, led by Geoff, starts at Milnthorpe to head N to Heversham, then W to pick up the Cumbria Coastal Way heading S. Next through the Deer Park to Haverbrack then Sandside and alongside the Kent to Arnside.

8 miles with 600 ft of ascent   Map   GPX download

The C walk, led by Dr Chris, is a circular from Arnside. It reaches a maximum height of 295 feet but is on easy paths with few stiles. It sets off SW along the front then ascends a track to a short road section. Then SW into Copridding Wood and towards Arnside Wood to descend to Hollins Farm. Return is through Arnside Park, Frith Wood, New Barns and Grubbins Wood. Some of it depends on the tide but the walk can be reversed if need be.  

6 miles with 700 ft of ascent   Map   GPX download