9th April 2023 - Kirkby Lonsdale

Th A & B walks are circular from Devil's Bridge car park.

The A walk, led by Jim, is clockwise around Barbon Low Fell. It first heads NE to Cragg House Farm then N to Casterton, NE to Langthwaite and N again to Barbon. After crossing Barbon Beck the route heads E along Barbondale crossing back over Blindbeck Bridge. Turning SE, a bridleway leads to to Bullpot Farm where a footpath heads S to meet and follow Leck Beck, over Cowan Bridge and on to the A683 at Calacvm Roman Fort. The main road and then a footpath alongside the Lune head N back to Kirkby Lonsdale.

14 miles with 1400ft of ascent  Map  GPX download

The B walk, led by Kenny, is clockwise setting off through the caravan park and heading towards Casterton golf course and on to Casterton Hall. Then on to Beckfoot Park, passing Kirkby Lonsdale golf course en route to Barbon for a lunch break. Then it follows a number of paths and quiet lanes back to Kirkby Lonsdale. There are a number of stiles on this walk.

8.7 miles with 970ft of ascent  Map  GPX download

The C walk of around 7 miles is from Moss Side on the A65 near its junction with the M6 to Kirkby Lonsdale. There are 2 potential routes, one mainly road, the other mainly footpaths, to be decided on conditions on the day. To be led either by Brian Cooper or Steve Ellis.