13th Aug 2023 - Settle

Brian & GeoffThe A walk, led by Jim, is linear from Horton-in-Ribblesdale to Settle. It starts by following the Pennine Way over Pen-y-ghent, leaving it at the Boundary Stone to continue SSW on a footpath to meet the Ribble Way at Moor Head Lane and on to Stainforth. From there the route visits Cattrigg Force and Victoria Cave before descending to Settle. This is the route from March 2020 in reverse.

12 miles with 2500 ft of ascent    Map   GPX download

The B walk, led by Brian & Geoff, is a clockwise circular from Settle starting on the Ribble Way to Stainforth then turning SW past Catrigg Force to the minor road near Cowside. Turning S past Jubilee and Victoria Caves then Attamire Scar and Sugar Loaf Hill Stockdale Lane is reached which is followed W back to Settle. 

9.5 miles with 1400 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download

The C walk, led by Steve, is linear from Horton to Settle  following the Ribble Way to Helwith Bridge where it leaves it to continue S on Austwick Rd & Stainforth Lane, picking up the Ribble Way again at Stackhouse which is followed to Settle.

7 miles with 375 ft of ascent   Map   GPX download