12th Mar 2023 - Staveley

Staveley from Brundt Knott

The A walk, led by Christine, is a clockwise circular from Staveley. Heading NW it follows the River Kent to Kentmere then turns ENE to meet Green Road. Before the descent to Sadgill it turns S on the bridleway to Green Quarter and Birk Rigg to meet Hall Lane at Park house. Diverting E, a footpath is followed (parallel to Hall Lane) to Littlewood Farm to turn SW to meet Hall Lane again at Bailey Bridge and on the Staveley.

13 miles with 2300 ft of ascent   Map   GPX download

The B walk, led by Jayne, is an anticlockwise circular from Staveley. Heading SE on Kendal Road it picks up the Dales Way alongside the River Kent to Bowston to cross the bridge on Potter Fell Road. This is soon left  on a footpath at Birkett Wood to Beetham Bank, then N to meet Potter Fell Road again for a short stretch, leaving it on a footpath N to Birk Rigg. Then W past Gurnal Dubs and Potter Tarn to Littwood Farm and SW to Barley Bridge and back to Staveley.

9 miles with 1300 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download

The C walk, led by Chris, is from Staveley to Windermere. Starting in a south westerly direction on the Dales Way it passes New Hall, Crag House and Hag End. There is some quiet lane walking and also tracks and footpaths. There are a couple of stiles, but mainly gates. There are some wet areas. As the path heads north it leads into Windermere through the suburbs to the centre.

6.5 miles with 850 ft of ascent   Map  GPX download