12th Feb 2023 - Haworth

Haworth from Withins Height

All walks are circular from Haworth from Bronte Village Coach & Car Park SE030369 .

The clockwise A walk, led by Kenny, starts through Peninstone Hill Country Park and follows the Millennium Way to the Bronte Waterfalls. On to Top Withins it then follows the Pennine Way towards the Ponden Reservoir. Continuing on the Pennine Way into Oakworth Moor which it crosses towards Keighley Moor Reservoir to rejoin the Millennium Way to Stanbury, round Lower Laithe reservoir and back to Haworth. 

14 miles with 1950ft of ascent Map  GPX download

The anticlockwise B walk, lead by Brian, goes via Lower Laithe Reservoir and Stansbury to Back Lane which continues as a footpath to meet the Pennine Way. There may be a detour to Top Withens before following the Bronte Way to Tom Stell's Seat where it heads SE to Oxenhope Station then follows the railway track back to Howarth.

9.5 miles with 1200ft of ascent  Map  GPX download

There is no C walk due to lack of demand