11th June 2023 - Ingleton

eveThe A walk, led by Jim, is from Clapham to Ingleborough via Trough Gill and Gaping Gill, descending down the steep N face and Southerscales to Chapel-le-Dale. Then it's up along the flanks of Whernside, partly on a bridleway, to Twisleton Scar End and Oddies Lane to Ingleton. This is the reverse of the walk we did in Oct 2018 which took 7 hrs (photos).

13 miles with 2600 ft of ascent   Map   A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Geoff, is also from Clapham to Ingleton via Ingleborough Cave, Trow Gill, Gaping Gill, Little Ingleborough to Ingleborough summit then following the Pennine Journey SW to Ingleton. 

8 miles with 2100 ft of ascent   Map   B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Steve, is a circular from Ingleton starting NNE along Oddies Lane to Twistleton Hall then NW to the minor road along Kingsdale. This is followed S for just over half a mile to turn SW onto Westgate Lane, leaving it on a footpath E then SE to Thornton in Lonsdale for a minor road back to Ingleton.

6 miles with 800 ft of ascent   Map   C route gpx download   

For anyone wanting to follow the Waterfalls Walk, access is now £10.