9th Jan 2022 - Burnley

All walks are circular from Towneley Park.

The anticlockwise A walk, led by Jim heads SE to join the Burnley Way at Cliviger Mill Bridge. The Way is followed generally S along the flanks of Thieveley Pike to Holme Chapel. Then N along footpaths to Mereclough to rejoin the Way near Hurstwood and follow it for a short while past Hurstwood Reservoir. Then it's footpaths past Swinden Reservoir to rejoin the Way again at Lee Green Reservoir and follow it W along the River Brun into Burnley to join the Leeds & Liverpool Canal and past the golf course back to the start.

12.8 miles with 1400' of ascent A route map A route tracklog gpx download

The clockwise B walk, led by Geoff is alongside the Leeds & Liverpool Canal then E on the Burnley Way alongside River Brun to Lee Green Reservoir. Then back W along footpaths to Rowley Farm and S back to the start.

8 miles with 800' of ascent B route map B route gpx download

The clockwise C walk, led by Christine, starts on the Burnley Way E to Cliviger Laithe, then on footpaths and a bit of road to meet the Way again at Hurstwood and along the N side of the reservoir. Turning S, the Pennine Bridleway is followed past Cant Clough Reservoir to meet the Burnley Way again heading NE to the former Bird Conservation Centre, then on footpaths back to Cliviger Laithe and back to the start.

7 miles with 900' of ascent C route map C route gpx download

Overview of the walks: A in red, B in blue, C in green