8th May 2022 - Langdale

The A walk, led by Christine, is a circular from New Dungeon Ghyll (NDG) which ascends via Stickle Tarn to Harrison Stickle followed by Pike o'Stickle then on to Thunacar Knott and High Raise. Descent is over Sergeant Man and down (with a possible extension to Blea Rigg which would add a mile or so) to join the Stickle Ghyll path to NDG.

7 miles with 3300 ft of ascent Map GPX download

The B walk, led by Brian, starts at Skelwith Bridge and follows the Cumbria Way past Elterwater then follows the A route to Lingmoor Fell, probably following a lower path along the southern flank where the A route traverses the summit. From the col below Side Pike, the route descends half way down the slope to turn R towards Side House and pick up the Cumbria Way again but heading E to Oak Howe, then NE to the road to pick up a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) to NDG.

9 miles with 1750 ft of ascent Map GPX download

The C walk, led by Geoff, also starts at Skelwith Bridge to follow the Cumbria Way W to High Park, continuing W with a detour into Cathedral Cave, past Slater Bridge and on to Fell Foot Bridge. After a short distance along the road, the route turns N over Blea Moss, past Blea Tarn and on via Side House to NDG.

7 miles with 1450 ft of ascent Map GPX download

Kirsteen will be leading a fairly flat D walk from Skelwith Bridge to NDG of around 5.5 miles.