12th June 2022 - Grassington

All walks are circular from Grassington

The A walk, led by Brian, heads NE to Yarnbury, then NNW to Kelber to swing round clockwise past Kelber Gate and along Conistone Turf Road to Capplestone Gate. Heading NW to above Dowber Gill Beck, the route turns W to above Kettlewell, then S to follow the Dales Way all the way back to Grassington.

14 miles with 2000ft of ascent Map (A & B) GPX download

The B walk, led by Steve, is the bottom half of the A walk, going down Bycliffe Road with a detour to Conistone Pie.

8.5 miles with 1000 ft of ascent In blue on the map above GPX download

The C walk, led by Thelma, follows the Dales Way N to Scott Gate Lane which it follows SW to Conistone. It's then S along Grass Wood Lane to pick up the path alongside the Wharfe by Lower Grass Wood which leads back to Grassington.

7.5 miles with 850 ft of ascent Map GPX download