10th Oct 2022 - Rawtenstall

Walks map (A-blue, B-red, C-purple)

All these walks finish at the station of the East Lancashire Railway in Rawtenstall. There are a number of cafes in Rawtenstall as well as a few ‘Pop Up’ bars and even the oldest surviving Temperance Bar in the country (Fitzpatrick’s). Sadly, it closes early in the afternoon on Sundays. All of these will be visible to those on the 'C' walk as they head for the railway station where there is also a bar.

The A walk, led by Kenny, starts from the Marl Pits Sports Centre in Rawtenstall to head NNE to Lumb. Turning S, it follows the Pennine Bridleway to the A681 where it follows the disused railway alongside the River Irwell E for 0.6 of a mile. Turning S again it follows Roodley Moor Rd to turn NW on the Rossendale Way (with an out & back detour to Waugh's Well) to Cowpe Lowe. It's then generally NW to the pickup at E Lancs Railway station at Rawtenstall.

13 miles with 1900 ft of ascent GPX download

The B walk, led by Geoff, also starts from Marl Pits Sports Centre and is mostly a shortened version of the A route. It follows a path through Bolton Woods around Seat Naze above Newchurch towards Scout and Brock Clough Farm. Then it follows the Pennine Bridleway SSE to the valley of the Irwell. . Near Waterfoot it turns SW to Waugh's Well then back tracks to summit Cowpe Lowe then generally NW to the pickup at E Lancs Railway station at Rawtenstall.

11 miles with 1450 ft of ascent GPX download

The C walk, led by Steve, is a linear walk starting from Acre on the A680. It starts E climbing 200 ft to a footpath along Cribden Side, then W & NW around Cribden Hill to meet the A682 at Crawshawbooth . Turning N for a short way, a footpath leads around Rake Foot reservoir then generally SE along the flanks of Bonfire Hill, past Myrtle Earth Farm to Edge Lane then Newchurch Rd past Marl Pits Sports Centre, Bank St heads towards the pickup at E Lancs Railway station.

Just over 7 miles with 800 ft of ascent GPX download Elevation profile