10th April 2022 - Malham

The clockwise A route, led by Jim from Malham starts with an ascent of the 320ft of steps up to the top of Malham Cove, continuing along Watlowes to Water Sinks, then around Malham Tarn to Mastiles Lane. From near the Roman Camp we head S along the E edge above Goredale to Great Knott, descending to cross the minor road and climb Weets Top. Heading SSW there is a shortcut along Windy Pike Lane to Hanlith (2.5m / 375ft ascent less) or the mapped route via Calton & Airton. Both return to Malham on the Pennine Way.

14.5 miles with 1850ft of ascent A route map A route GPX download

The B route, led by Christine, starts from Malham by visiting Janet's Foss then takes the footpath NW to above Malham Cove, continuing on the Pennine Way along Watlowes to Water Sinks. It then continues WNW on the road to Streets to turn WSW on a footpath to Gorbreck, SE to Langscar, SW to Nappa Scar the SE back to Malham.

10 miles with 1650ft of ascent B route map (in red) B route GPX download

The C route, lead by Geoff starts at Gargrave with a short walk along the canal then follows the Pennine Way all the way to Malham.

7 miles with 750ft of ascent C route map C route GPX download

Kirsteen is also leading a shorter D walk from Airton to Malham (the last third of the C route), then to the Cove and back. About 4.5 miles.