9th May 2021 - Ulverston

Hoad Monument & Ulverston

All routes are circular from Ulverston. Street map

The A route, led by Christine, starts by ascending Hoad Hill with its monument, then passes through part of the town, skirts round Swarthmoor Hall and then climbs to the top of Birkrigg Common. After passing a stone circle it reaches the coast to follow the Cumbrian Coastal Way with a diversion to look at the Temple at Conishead Priory. The walk ends beside the shortest canal in the country back to the start. 12 miles with 1000 ft of ascent.

A route on Google Earth A route gpx

The B route, led by Brian, is a shortened version of the A walk missing out the section to Birkrigg Common. 9.5 miles with 700 ft of ascent.

B route on Google Earth B route gpx

The C route, lead by Jane, starts by going up Hoad Hill then follows the path to Chattery Lane, continuing by roads and footpaths to meet the minor road Newland Bottom. Turning R this is followed SE to the A590, crossing it onto the Cumbria Coastal Way which is followed to the coast and on to meet the disused Ulverston Canal which leads back into Ulverston. 7.5 miles with 800 ft of ascent.

C route on Google Earth C route gpx

There will not be a led D walk on this trip as the 3 usual D walkers are all away.

However a 4/5 mile walk is detailed below which mostly follows the first part of the C walk then on the Cumbria Way alongside Gill Banks Beck to Gill car park. The short Stan Laurel Trail extension explores Ulverston before returning to the coach. 5 miles with 600 ft of ascent.

D route & Stan Laurel Trail on Google Map D route gpx Stan Laurel Trail gpx

Full route descriptions with video links of the C & D walks