10th Oct 2021 - Ingleton

The A walk, led by Jim, is the same as the B up to Whernside but then descends to Kingsdale to follow the road to the impressive Yordas Cave with its waterfall (bring a torch). Continuing down the road, the route crosses Kingsdale Beck on a footpath around Twistleton Scar to rejoin the B route down Oddies Lane to Ingleton.

12 miles with 1900 ft of ascent, in blue on the map below A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Geoff, starts at Ribblehead and takes the traditional route up Whernside via Blea Moor Signal Box, Dales High Way turning at Grain Head to the Summit. Return via the steep descent to the Dales High Way again to Ellerbeck then following the Pennine Journey over Shales Moor and down to Ingleton.

11.5 miles with 2,200 ft of ascent, in red on the map below B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Chris, starts near the tiny village of Chapel le Dale. The path starts from the main road before heading across fields and God's Bridge (oddly a ford) to reach the Roman road. This is a metalled track which passes a number of farms as it descends the valley. Near Twisleton Hall the route goes right at the southern end of Twisleton Scars to reach a lane - and possibly an ice cream van. Heading South to Thornton Hall, a path then heads across fields to Ingleton. There are a few styles, none of them difficult.

6.5 miles with 500 ft of ascent, in orange on the map below C route gpx download