8th March 2020 - Settle

Stainforth and Smearsett Scar

All walks are circular from Settle

The A walk, led by Christine, goes to Giggleswick and over the Scar to drop down to Feizor. We walk smartly past the cafe (without stopping for bacon rolls!) and up and over Pot and Smearsett Scars before losing height to pass through Stainforth. From there we follow bridleways and skirt below Victoria Cave and Attermire Scar before following the Dales High Way back to Settle. 12 miles with 2500 ft of ascent.

A route on Google Earth A route gpx

The B walk, led by Jayne, is a walk to 3 waterfalls. Following the Ribble Way the first is Stainforth Force and continuing through Stainforth the second is Catrigg Force. Turning S via Upper Winskill we visit Jubilee and Victoria Caves on the way to Scaleber Force, returning to Settle on High Hill Lane. 9.5 miles with 1400 ft of ascent.

B route on Google Earth B route gpx

The C walk, led by (any volunteers?), goes via Stackhouse to Feizor where there is a cafe then on the Dales High Way to meet the Ribble Way near Stainforth. This is followed S to cross the river near Langcliffe then on footpaths and the B6749 back to Settle. 8 miles with 1100 ft of ascent.

C route on Google Earth C route gpx

The D walk, led by Kirsteen, is to Scaleber Force waterfall and follows this Yorkshire Post article. 5 miles with 700 ft of ascent.

D route on Google Earth D route gpx