13th Sept 2020 - Glenridding


The A walk, led by Jim, is from Pooley Bridge to Glenridding, initially following the Ullswater Way to Gowbarrow Fell then via Gowbarrow Park, Glencoyne Head and Sheffield Pike to Glenridding. 12 miles with 3350 ft of ascent.

Christine will be leading an alternative circular from Glenridding up the south side of Glenridding Beck and on to Raise via the pony track, then to Stybarrow Dodd and Hart Crag and back to Glenridding via Sheffield Pike.

The B walk, led by Len, is from Pooley Bridge to Glenridding following the Ullswater Way via Aira Force. 9.5 miles with about 1100 ft of ascent.

The C walk, led by Chris, is a circular from Glenridding to Lanty's Tarn and along Grizedale valley and back to Grizedale Bridge and Glenridding. About 7 miles.

The D walk, led by Thelma will be a short circular from Glenridding.