11th Oct 2020 - Staveley

Staveley from Brundt Knott

The A walk, led by Kevin, is a circular from Staveley taking in Brunt Knott and the path overlooking the Longsleddale Valley, round Ulgraves and Potter Fell, up to Gurnal Dubbs and via Potter Tarn & Littlewood Farm back to Barley Bridge & Staveley.

10 miles with 1800 ft of ascent Map

The B walk, led by Christine, starts from Staveley along the Dales Way to Bowston, Braban House, Shepherd Green and then fairly steeply uphill to Birk Rigg before finishing much the same as the A route via Ulgraves, Gurnal Dubs, Potter Tarn, Littlewood Farm & Barley Bridge then into Staveley.

9 miles with 1050 ft of ascent

The C walk, led by Steve, is from the A591 junction with Hollins Lane, down to Burneside then picking up the Dales Way to Staveley.

6 miles