13th Jan 2019 - Cartmel

All walks are circular from Cartmel.

The A walk, led by Jim, follows the Cistercian Way to the Hospice on Hampsfell then dropping down through Eggerslack Wood to Grange-over-Sands to pick up the Cumbria Coastal Way. This is followed to Kents Bank then along the coastline to Humphrey Head and on to the Point. Heading back N the CCW is followed before leaving if for Flookborough to pick up the Cistercian Way again past Walton Hall back to Cartmel.

13 miles with 1450 ft of ascent Cartmel A map A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Jayne, starts on the Cistercian Way SW, leaving it at High Bank Side to pick up the Cumbria Coastal Way heading N before branching L at How Borrow on a footpath to Collkield Wood. Turning SE a footpath and minor road lead to Beck Side, continuing via Green Bank and Hampsfell Hall to ascend Hampsfell for the Hospice. The descent goes via Aynsome Mill Farm back to Cartmel.

10 miles with 1300 ft of ascent Cartmel B map B route gpx download

The C walk will be led by Steve and is a 6.5 mile circular from Cartmel with one steepish section a mile in, 3 stiles, but otherwise 700 ft of gradual gradients.

Cartmel C map