12th May 2019 - Glenridding

The A walk, led by Christine, is a linear from Pooley Bridge to Glenridding. A road leads to Askham Fell which is crossed (can be boggy in places) on the way to climbing Arthur’s Pike and Swarth Fell. Most of the height already gained is lost on the steep grassy descent to Mellguards. Poles will be useful here if you have them. Height is gradually regained on the ascent to Martindale and more steeply on the ascent of Beda Fell. The descent to Glenridding is via Boredale Hause.

12 miles with 3600 feet of ascent (GPS measured) A route map A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Chris, starts at Patterdale to follow the track to Side Farm. From Side Farm the track climbs steadily to Boredale Hause continuing under Angletarn Pikes and around Angle Tarn towards The Knott, descending down beside Hayeswater Gill to Hartsop. Return to Glenridding is on footpaths back to Side Farm and Patterdale.

10 miles with 1700' of ascent B route map B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Thelma and Kirsteen, is an easy circular from Glenridding on footpaths to Patterdale, Side Farm and Hartsop. Return is on a short road section to Cow Bridge followed by a permissive path to Deepdale Bridge then back across the valley to Side Farm to retrace to outward route back to Glenridding.

7.5 miles with 650' of ascent with no stiles C route map