11th Aug 2019 - Ilkley

The A walk, led by Brian, starts from Skipton on roads heading SE to pick up a footpath along the N edge of Skipton Moor. This is followed around Draughton Moor to head generally S to meet Bank Lane then Cringles Lane to Bolton Road. From Cringles it heads NE, SE along Lippersley Lane, NE on a minor road to meet the Millenium Way which is followed S to Addingham High Moor then E to Ilkley Moor and the Dales Way before dropping down NW to Ilkley.

15 miles with 2100' of ascent A route map A route gpx download

The B walk will be led by Pam - details to follow

The C walk, led by Steve, follows the Dales Way from Bolton Bridge to Ilkley. The ascent is in 4 tranches, one quite steep but with steps and a support rail. There are several stiles. We can start with a beverage the Abbey Tea Rooms with plenty of scope for further refreshments when we reach Ilkley.

6 miles with 300' of ascent C route map C route gpx download