10th Feb 2019 - Helmshore

The A walk, led by Jim, starts from a layby on the A6177 Grane Road near Clough Head Quarry at SD747230 to follow the Rossendale Way past Calf Hey and Ogden Reservoirs before heading SSW, E, SSW & ESE, leaving it on Holcombe Moor for Peel Tower above Ramsbottom. The route then heads N to Chatterton Close to turn E for the dismantled railway track and N to end at Helmshore.

13 miles with 1500 ft of ascent A route map A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Geoff, starts at the Holden Arms pub on the junction of Grane Road and the road into Helmshore at SD775225. This is a figure of 8 walk starting by crossing the dam of Holden Wood Reservoir then SW to Musbury Heights, staying on the high ground with views of the 3 Grane Valley reservoirs, followed by a circuit of Calf Hey Reservoir then picking up the Rossendale Way eventually onto the summit of Tor Hill and on to Helmshore. The route includes some rough ground and it will be muddy in places.

8 miles with 1300 ft of ascent B route map B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Gayle, is a circular from Helmshore. It starts with an ascent up Hollin Bank to join the Rossendale Way at Great House. This is followed around the head of Alden Brook and on around the flanks of Bull Hill before descending E to Strongsty. From there it's a flat walk alongside the River Irwell and a tributary back to Helmshore.

6.5 miles with 1000 ft of ascent C route map C route gpx download