9th Sept 2018 - Chatsworth

The A walk, led by Jim, starts from Wadlow Mires on the A623 and heads S down Cressbrook Dale to meet the road at Cressbrook. This is followed for less than a mile before crossing over the River Wye and climbing up to the Monsal Trail which goes over the viaduct and through the tunnel under Monsal Head to Bakewell and its end shortly afterwards. A bridleway is now followed, initially by the river then E & SE to Rowsley where the River Derwent is followed N to Balton Lees. Crossing over the river into Chatworth Park, the route continues N to finish at Chatsworth House car park.

14 miles with 1500' of ascent A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Irene, starts at Calver and follows the Derwent Valley Heritage Way (DVHW) to Baslow, then into Chatsworth Park and up behind the house to the Hunting Tower, Emperor and Swiss lakes, descending to Beeley Hilltop Farm, Beeley Lodge and a river walk to Chatsworth House.

8.5 miles with 800' of ascent on gravel tracks, open parkland and woodland paths B route gpx download

The C walk will be led by Chris. There is a good tearoom near the car park which has proper Bakewell Puddings quite unlike the icing covered items you might find around here. The walk starts in Baslow and heads S into the Park, passing the Nursery and the cricket ground. After Queen Mary's Bower we cross the river and head SW to have lunch with a good view of the House. Heading N by the river we pass in front of the house and up through the woods (gentle climb). The walk then goes N past the Hunting Tower and E of Dobb Edge before descending through farmland past Jubilee Rock and then back to the coach.

About 7 miles with 450' of ascent. There are 2 stiles, one over a highish wall but firm concrete steps and a wooden handrail and the other quite low.

C route track download

You can visit the house for an entrance fee of £13 or the house plus gardens for £21.