14th 2018 Oct - Clapham

The A walk, led by Jim, starts at Ingleton and heads N to Twistleton Scar then NE along Twistleton to pick up the path to Chapel-le-Dale. Crossing over the road to Hawes the route ascends Ingleborough then down past Gaping Gill to Trow Gill to follow Clapdale to Clapham.

12 miles with 2850' of ascent A route map A route gpx download

The B walk, lead by Geoff, is a circular from Clapham. It includes fields (several stiles), a little tarmac, gravel tracks and limestone pavement. If it's wet, a short steep downhill section from the northern end of Long Lane to Trow Gill could be muddy/slippery. It starts by crossing fields to Austwick, then to the hamlet of Wharfe, Crummack Dale, Beggar's Stile and Thieves Moss returning via Ingleborough Cave. From here you can choose to take the 'easy' way back through the Ingleborough Estate Clapdale Drive (there may be a small charge for taking this route, if there is anyone waiting to catch walkers at the Clapham end). Otherwise the walk proceeds uphill to the farm at Clapdale and down the gravel lane back to Clapham.

10.75 miles with 1250' of ascent B route map B route gpx download

The C walk will be led by Chris. It is a circular walk from Clapham of about 6 miles with an option for a short extra climb to look at the interesting geological features on the Norber Plateau known as the Norber erratics. The walk first goes east to Austwick and Slaindale. We then head west on Thwaite Lane and soon turn right to head for Robin Proctor's Scar. Those that wish can make a brief ascent to see the erratics. We then descend back to Thwaite Lane and West to Clapham. About 400 feet of ascent if the plateau is included but this can be done slowly and also may be a good place for lunch. There are two short tunnels at the end so a torch may be useful.

C route map C route gpx download