14th Jan 2018 - Arnside

The A will be led by Brian and starts at the junction of Barwick Lane and Main Street in Warton. It then takes in Warton Crag, Eaves Wood and Arnside Knott. Depending on the tide it will continue to Arnside via Arnside Park and the shoreline. About 10/11 miles and the two high points are about 500 feet above sea level so not much climbing.

A tracklog gpx download

The B will be led by Christine Wright and is an 8.5 mile circular from Arnside setting off along the shore from the promenade to Far Arnside via New Barns Bay and Blackstone point*. Then on to Elmslack, Middlebarrow Plain, Arnside Tower towards Black Dyke then over Arnside Knott (159m) to return to the starting point.

*If the tide is a problem, an alternative path will be taken to avoid getting your feet wet.

The C will be led by Chris and is a circular from Arnside of about 6.5 miles. It reaches a maximum height of 295 feet but is on easy paths with few stiles. There is a short tidal stretch so depending on tides the walk can be done either way round to suite this. From Arnside the walk goes through Copridding wood and thence to Arnside Knott Wood (not ascending to the Knott itself). It then then descends to Hollins Farm and Far Arnside before returning via Arnside Park and New Barns.