13th May 2018 - Malham

All walks are circular from Malham car park.

The A walk will be led by Len and Yvonne to Janet's Foss, Gordale Scar (scramble), High Stony Bank, Great Close, Middle House Farm, footpath NW to the Pennine Way, S to Malham Tarn, Comb Hill, Ing Scar and Malham Cove.

13.4 miles with 1900' of ascent Tracklog gpx download

The B walk will be led by Christine Wright to Janet's Foss, New Close Knotts (short steep ascent) and Green Close Plantation to reach the eastern shore of Malham Tarn returning via Watlowes Dry Valley and Malham Cove. The terrain is quite rocky and challenging in parts particularly the Limestone Pavement at Malham Cove and the ravine down to Watlowes so strong footwear and poles are recommended.

9 miles with 1300' of ascent B route gpx download

The C walk will be led by Gerry along the river Aire to Hanlith Bridge and back on the Pennine Way to Mires Barn, then Janet's Foss, Gordale Scar and back into Malham. Approx 6 miles.