12th Aug 2018 - Kettlewell

All walks start in Grassington and end in Kettlewell.

The A walk, led by Brian, follows the Dales way to Kettlewell then ascends up Top Mere Road to Cam Head turning W to Sandy Gate and down to Starbotton to pick up the Dales Way SE back to Kettlewell. About 12 miles with 1800 ft of ascent.

A route gpx download

The B walk, led by Noel, initially heads off in the opposite direction to pick up the Dales Way along the River Wharfe towards and then into Hebden, onwards to Hole Bottom and mine workings then Yarnbury. From here there is a great walk to Kelber and Bycliffe Road before picking up the Dales way again to head northwards to Highgate Leys and into Kettlewell. About 9 miles with 1250 ft of ascent with no steep climbs or areas of difficulty.

B route gpx download

The C walk, led by Steve, initially follows the River Wharfe NW to Conistone then on to pick up the Dales Way at the junction with Highgate Leys Lane and on into Kettelwell. About 6.5 miles with 500 ft of undulation.

C route gpx download