10th June 2018 - Glenridding

The A walk will be led by Christine Tulloch. It starts from Deepdale Bridge & takes in Hartsop above How Hart Crag, Fairfield, Cofa Pike (rocky descent) St Sunday Crag & will finish in Glenridding. Although only 10/11 miles in distance it does involve 3700 ft of ascent with some steep descents and one steep ascent.

A route gpx download

The B walk will be led by Brian Cooper. It starts at Sykeside taking in Brothers Water, Hartsop, Hayswater Gill then up towards The Knott (300 metres of ascent) turning SE under Satura Crag to Angle Tarn, back down to Boredale Hause and then through Patterdale to Kennels and on to Glenridding. Just under 10 miles but easily cut short at the end.

B route gpx download

The C walk will be led by Margaret. It also starts at Sykeside and initially heads W from the road and then turns right at Hartsop Hall to go N along Brothers Water. It goes a short distance on the road to Hartsop before turning N along the valley to Side Farm. Finally W again to the road and Glenridding. About 5 miles mostly descending.

C route gpx download