9th July 2017 - Grassington

The A walk will be led by Brian. Starting at Grassington it follows the River Wharfe before diverting to Simon's Seat, the Rocking Stone and the Valley of Desolation to end at the Abbey Tea Rooms at Bolton Abbey about 17:30.

13 miles with 1100 feet of ascent Tracklog gpx download

The B walk will be led by Steve. Starting at Hebden (no bridge) it also follows the Wharfe to Bolton Abbey and the Abbey Tea Rooms.

This flat walk is about 10 miles.

The C walk will be led by Sandy and Noel. It is a circular walk from Grassington via Linton Falls, Linton, Thorpe, Burnsall and the Dales Way along River Wharfe back to Grassington. One gradual ascent through fields and a few stiles between Thorpe and Grassington but nothing tricky.

Approx 7 miles.