9th April 2017 - Monsal Trail

The A walk will be led by Cliff. The party will be dropped off at Chelmorton on the A5270 and head NE with a steep drop into Deep Dale. Heading back NE to Wye Dale, the route then follows E through Chee Dale, Millers Dale and finally Monsal Dale before finally turning back towards the small village of Taddington. Here, if all goes to plan, the coach will be waiting in the pub car park. Totalling a bit over 13 miles, most of the walk is relatively flat with just a few hundred feet down and back up at each end. GPX download

The B walk will be led by Elfyn and Brian. It is a circular walk of about 9.5 miles with a cumulative ascent of about 1,500 feet. The ascent is the sum of many smaller ascents due to the undulating nature of the terrain. We start at Taddington going NE over fields and crossing High Dale to reach Litton Mill. From there it is E and slightly S along the Monsal Trail to Monsal Head. Here we leave the dale and head across fields via Pennyunk Lane to Ashford in the Water. We then follow the Wye W towards Taddington Field and Taddington.

The C walk will be led by Thelma and Kirsteen. Starting and finishing in Taddington, this will go via Rock Lodge Farm, across the field to Priestcliffe Rd and onto Long Lane Bridleway. Follow on to Miller's Dale Disused Railway Station and Nature Reserve to pick up the Monsal Trail, this follows the disused railway track (flat walking here), passing Litton Mill, through the Litton and Cressbrook Tunnels. Depending upon time, we hope to reach Monsal Head before returning, reversing the same route. There are two short climbs on Bridleway surfaces and no stiles.

Approx 7 miles, total ascent 500 ft.