8th Jan 2017 - Burnley

The A walk will be led by Brian. This is a loop starting SE from Townley Park, joining the Burnley way towards Holme Chapel, North East through Mereclough and past the Hurstwood and Swindon reservoirs then West back along the river Brun to join the canal and walk over the aqueduct into Burnley and back to the park.

12.8 miles with 1400' of ascent A route tracklog gpx download

The B walk will be led by Pam. It follows the Wayside Arts Trail and begins by Townley Hall and heads up to Crown Point and the Singing Ringing Tree via the golf course on the way and passing through some boggy areas.

It's downhill all the way after Crown Point through fields and with some quiet road walking back to the Stables café at Townley Hall. Just under 8 miles, height gain to follow when Pam gets a map!! The walk is not difficult though not particularly well maintained with some iffy but manageable styles.

The C walk will be led by Thelma and Kirsteen. It is a circular walk from Townley Park starting at Deer Park Road footpath, following the minor road up to Worsthorne, on to Hurstwood Lane and along to Hurstwood Hall. Back to Salterford Bridge and on to Newfield Farm then down to Over Town. Along to Cliviger Mill Bridge and follow the footpath through Broad Ing and the playing fields then back to Townley Park. This is an easy walk, mainly along minor roads and bridleways of approx 6.5 miles.

There is a boggy bit and after that a walk along a stream which needs to be carefully negotiated where walking poles would be helpful.