14th May 2017 - Langdale

The A walk will be led by Christine Tulloch and is a linear walk from Ambleside to New Dungeon Gill taking in Loughrigg fell, Silver How, Blea Rigg, Sergeant Man, Thunacar Knott & Stickle Tarn.

12 miles with 3700 feet of ascent.

The B walk will be led by Ken and Pauline. Starting at Grasmere it heads north to pick up the path to Alcock Tarn. The path is quite steep up to the tarn, but then undulates for the rest of the day. From the tarn we drop down to Town End to cross the busy A591 running between Grasmere and Rydal Water then follow the lovely lakeside path along Grasmere as far as the Landing Stages before turning south to pick up paths to Elterwater. From there it is easy walking down the valley following the Cumbria Way to the Dungeon Ghyll Hotel.

Approximately 9 miles with 1500 feet of ascent.

The C walk will be led by Christopher and Margaret Scott and is a low level walk circular walk from Elterwater. Points of interest include the site of the Elterwater Gunpowder Works and an impressive U shaped valley caused by the ice age. The walk leaves Elterwater Bridge passing Bays Brown Farm and goes alongside the edge of a wood passing Oak where the impressive arrow head shape of Bow Fell may be visible. It then descends towards Side House Farm with views of Lingmoor Fell and along Great Langdale Beck back to Elterwater.

Approximately 7 miles which can be shortened.