12th Nov 2017 - Rivington

All walks are circular from Rivington Great House Barn and are likely to be muddy so gaitors are advisable.

The A walk will be led by Christine taking in the Rivington Hall, Rivington Pike, Winter Hill, Great Hill, Anglezarke Reservoir & Yarrow reservoir. Although you will have to expect some wet conditions underfoot the path from the Belmont/Rivington road to the top of Great Hill is now all hard surface which is a vast improvement on what it used to be like. About 12 miles.

The B walk will be led by Elfyn. It heads towards Horwich passing Knowle House and Pike Cottage then ascends via the Rotary Way to Winter Hill. The descent is to Rivington Pike via Rivington Hall and back to the start. About 9 miles

The C walk will be led by Chris and goes along Rivington Resevoir to the castle, then crosses the road towards Knowle House to turn north to Rivington Hall. Then by road to Sparks Bridge and almost to Wilcock's Farm before descending to pass Yarrow Reservoir. The walk can be shortened here or we can pass between Anglezark Reservoir and Rivington Reservoir, returning via The Street (? home for retired actors) and Horrobin Lane. About 6.5 miles with 300 feet of ascent.