8th May 2016 - Coniston

The A walk, led by Ken and Pauline, starts from Skelwith Bridge following the Cumbria Way to Colwith Force, Stang End, Wetside Edge, up to Hell Gill Pike, Little and Great Carrs, Swirl How, Brim Fell Rake, and finally Coniston Old Man. Continuing round, the route drops down to Goat’s Hawse, Goat’s Water and Walna Scar Road into Coniston. Approx.- 12.5 miles.

The B walk, led by Christine, also starts from Skelwith Bridge for Colwith Force, Hodge Close, Tilberthwaite Ghyll and Coniston. 9 miles with 1600/1700 ft of ascent. There will be an opportunity to visit the quarries at Hodge Close.

C walk TBA