12th June 2016 - Grassington

‘A' party, led by Brian are doing a 13 mile circular walk heading West, North East and South of Grassington. It takes in Threshfield, Malham Moor, Conistone, Kelber and New Pasture Edge. If time allows it could be extended slightly to Hebden before returning to Grassington for the coach home by 5.30.

A route gpx download

‘B' party, led by Andy and Noel is also circular from Grassington via Yambury, Hole Bottom and Hebden joining the Dales Way to Burnsall for lunch. Across fields to Thorpe and Linton back to Grassington. Hopefully some beautiful views, a few gradual ascents and a few stiles. What can be better than Wharfedale! About 9 miles.

'C' party, led by Pam and Christine sets off from Grassington village square heading north gently uphill through ancient field systems with amazing views. Lapwings swallows and skylarks abound. Return to Grassington via Dales Way for refreshments and shopping. Distance 6.5 miles.