11th Sept 2016 - Grasmere

All walks are circular from Grasmere.

The A walk will be led by Christine and takes in Grizedale tarn, Cofa Pike, Fairfield, Great Rigg, Heron Pike and Alcock Tarn, around 12 miles with 3100 feet of ascent. The ascent of Cofa Pike involves some mild scrambling so anyone uncomfortable with that sort of terrain should avoid the walk.

The B walk will be led by Brendan and Sharon and is around 9 miles.

The C walk will be led by Thelma and Kirsteen. Starting along the lakeside footpath to the river Rothay and through to White Moss Wood. Then up the footpath along the bottom of Loughrigg Terrace to the end of Rydal Water. Over the A591 and up to Rydal Mount (Wordsworths House), on to "the coffin route", following on above Rydal Water and Grasmere. Coming down to Dove Cottage (another of Wordsworth's homes) and back to Grasmere Village. Culture galore with the C group - Good views.

Approximately 6 miles with 2 or 3 gentle inclines.