10th July 2016 - Llangollen

The A walk (led by Len & Yvonne) starts at Pen-y-stryt, Llandegla. (North of Llangollen), at Junction A5104/A525. Then Pen-y-stryt, Clwydian Way, Offa’s Dyke Path, Cyrn-y-Brain to Sir Watkin’s Tower and TP, 563m, World’s End, Castel Dinas Bray, Llangollen.

About 10 miles with 3850' of ascent.

Optional extra 2 miles: Return to Offa’s Dyke Path, continue to Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, returning via tow-path.

The B walk (led by Bill and Gerry) sets out from Llangollen heading due north over Llangollen bridge, across the canal and up past theschool continuing up on a path to a point behind the castle before turning left to join the Dinbren Road which takes us past Dinbren Hall and then onto the Clwydian Way. We continue past Dalle-Crucis Abbey to Ty Newydd before turning south to join Offa's Dyke path to Trevor. We then follow the canal tow path to Llangollen. 10 miles with 1000 feet of ascent most of which is in the 1st hour of the walk. Please note the conveniences at Market Street car pak cost 30p. The walk will be led by Gerry if Bill is not fit enough.

The C walk (led by Thelma and Kirsteen) starts in Llangollen with an easy walk along the canal to Trevor, where you'll see the renowned Pontcysyllte Aquaduct. A world heritage site, which you can walk across and return back if you wish. Then we'll catch a bus back to Llangollen. Fare £2.20 (English bus passes not taken). The walk can be extended along the canal a short distance once back in Llangollen. Llangollen to Trevor 5 miles. Flat walking all the way.