14th June 2015 - Keswick

The A walk, led by Ken and Pauline, is the classic Coledale Round. Setting off from Braithwaite they follow Kinn Fell and Sleet How to climb Grisedale Pike continuing along Hopegill Head, Sand Hill and Coledale Hause to the summit of Grasmoor. The round continues on to Crag Hill and Sail before descending along Outerside to meet the Newlands Valley at Uzzicar. From there the usual tracks and paths are followed back to Keswick. Distance approx. 13½ miles with 4300 feet of ascent.

The circular B walk, led by Gerry and Jean, starts from Keswick, initially heading for the suspension bridge over the River Derwent to follow the river embarking on a stretch of the Allerdale Ramble. After crossing the A591 they go up Gale Road bypassing Mill Beck and through Applethwaite, then via Ormathwaite Hall to Brundholme Wood, through it and descend to Greta Gorge (dismantled railway) and back to Keswick. There are wonderful views throughout this walk of 10 miles with 1200 feet of ascent, which includes all ups and downs.

The C walk, led by Gill and Ken, starts at Grange in Borrowdale and walks through the village to the Borrowdale Hotel. It follows good paths down the Lake to Portinscale and then on to Keswick. 6½ miles.