12th July 2015 - Coniston

The A walk, led by Brian, set out from Skelwith Bridge and follow the low level track to Little Fell and along the south side of Little Langdale. They then wend their way up Great Intake and High Tilberthwaite to Wetherlam and continue via Prison & Swirl Band round to Coniston Old Man and on to Coniston down the tourist route – about 12 miles with 3500' of ascent.

The B walk, led by Noel and Sandy, set out from the car-park in Coniston and take the Copper Mines valley to Crowberry Haws, crossing the saddle below The Bell to Walna Scar Road to descend via the Torver Beck path, passing disused quarries and the climbing hut to Scarr Head. Across the A593 to Brackenbarrow Farm and then down to Lakeside at Torver Jetty, following the Cumbria Way back to Coniston. Approx. 8 miles. It might be possible , as an optional extra for the adventurous, to take a diversion to Goat’s Water but the final approach from Walna Scar Road requires some demanding scrambling.

The C walk, led by Bill, leave the car-park in Coniston for Dixon Ground and make their way to Walna Scar Road, past the Well in Crag (Spring) before turning down by Torver Beck to Scarr Head, Brackenbarrow Farm, Torver Jetty and Cumbria Way to Coniston. Around 6-7 miles.