12th April 2015 - Hawes

‘A’ party, led by David and Christine, will leave the coach at Ribblehead and follow the way over Blea Moor taking in the high point on the way. After crossing the B6255, they will follow the Ribble Way and Pennine Way into Hawes. About 14 miles with approx. 2300 ft of ascent.

‘B’ party, led by Gerry and Bill, will set out from Gearstones on the B6255 and follow the Roman Road, Dales Way and Pennine Way into Hawes. The first half of the walk is a very steady ascent of some 900 ft before levelling out and finally dropping down into Hawes. !0 miles.

‘C’ party, led by Jean and Rod, is a 6¼ mile Hawes circular going via Spillian Green, Appersett Viaduct, Thorney Mire House,Cam Road, Bands Lane, Gayle Beck, Aysgill Force and Gayle. Undulating but nothing severe.