11th Jan 2015 - Milnthorpe

‘A’ party, led by Christine and David, will follow a circular route from Milnthorpe taking in the Fairy Steps, Queen Victoria’s Pepper Pot, Arnside Tower, Arnside Knott and Arnside itself, returning to Milnthorpe. Walk will be 12/13 miles.

‘B’ party, led by Gerry and Jean, commences from Milnthorpe and is predominately a low level walk. Initially entering the ‘Deer Park’ passing Dallam Tower and proceeds along tracks to reach ‘Fairy Steps’, then through ‘Underlaid Woods’ to the village of Slack Head. A minor road then takes us to ‘Dollywood Lane’ and passes the ruined Pele Tower at Hazelslack. Over ‘Arnside Moss’ then eventually crossing the B5282 to take us onto the old railway track overlooking the Kent estuary with the backdrop of the Lakeland fells. The track comes inland for a while and then continues as a minor road before once again crossing the B5282 to make a short loop to finish at ‘Bela Bridge’ and return to Milnthorpe. 9 miles in total.

‘C’ party, led by Chris and Pam, sets out from Milnthorpe through Dallam Park to the Fairy Steps. Then from Hazelmore Tower to Cockshott Lane returning to Milnthorpe along the estuary at Sandside.